

Rights of Boaters: Services Operated by Viareggio Port Staff

The boatsmen in transit, after communicating personal and boat data at the time of booking and confirmed by the Technical Manager of Viareggio Port, is entitled to the assignment of a numbered berthing place, equipped with all services, as well as all the information regarding accessibility and use of port services.

The staff of Viareggio Port are available to carry out the following services:

  1. Assistance in mooring and unmooring of the vessel.
  2. Assignment of an access code to the port area delimited by gates, for each vessel in transit.
  3. Cleaning of the internal docking water area, the ground areas of our responsibility, and the collection of waste.
  4. Fire-fighting and anti-pollution services according to the provisions of the competent authorities.
  5. Emergency intervention when necessary.
  6. VHF radio service and assistance (Channel 12) from 08 am to 8 pm.
  7. Management of water, electricity, hygienic and mooring services, and their maintenance.
  8. 24-hour video surveillance and control of activities on areas of common use from 20 to 08.
  9. Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of plants, furnishings, green areas and port works.
  10. Bilge water and black water suction services (within the limits of the law).
  11. Meteorological services.

Obligations and Prohibitions

The boatsman is obliged to comply with the directives of the staff regarding the assigned place, unless explicitly requested to move for reasons related to the accessibility and safety of the mooring, or through a request to the port manager. They must also comply with the regulations of the landing area, which prescribes the following prohibitions:

  1. Mooring vessels without the permission of the Management and dropping anchor in the port area.
  2. Ignition of open flames and use of blowtorches.
  3. Embarkation, disembarkation, and storage on board of dangerous goods.
  4. Bathing, fishing with any equipment, and underwater fishing in the port area.
  5. Diving for work or repairs; these activities that must be carried out only by specialized personnel, recognized by the Management and authorized by the Maritime Authority.
  6. Blocking of the piers with on-board equipment (hoods, gangways, life jackets, dinghies, water hoses, boards, etc.), and with objects or materials of any kind.
  7. Perform work without the permission of the Management.
  8. It is forbidden to clutter, even temporarily, the quay spaces, piers and ground areas, with waste materials, bags, work waste materials, which must be taken to the appropriate containers with which the quayside is equipped.
  9. The emptying of bilge water, wastewater, liquids and boat washing water cannot be carried out at sea, this activity is regulated and managed by special services.
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